We had two really great Thanksgiving dinners. We had lunch with Travis' family at Kim and Chester's house and then supper with my family at my grandma's house. August was so tired when we left Kim and Chester's, she was asleep within two blocks. August loved all of Kim's teddy bears, and especially the little chairs they were sitting in. They were just her size. August also had a good time playing with her second cousins. She even tried to give Caroline a toy when she was crying. She did cry when she looked at my cousin, Milton. I still don't know why; she has never done that before.
(this is how he smiled for his pre-school picture)
- Our incredibly supportive families who always have the time to listen...and babysit
- Our best friends who seem to know just when to call and when to bring beer
- That we have our daughter who couldn't be more perfect, except sometimes (see number4)
- Time out corners (because she has issues listening)
- That we have each other, because I know I could not do everything I do without him
- For chocolate and ice cream, becuase sometimes it fixes everthing
- For great after Thanksgiving sales