Sunday, October 26, 2008

What's in a name?

What's in a name? That which we call a rose
By any other name would smell as sweet.
-Juilet, Shakespeare

Many of you know that August was named after my Grandpa Byron. His dad was also named August. She gets called a "he" or "Mr. August" at the doctor's until they look in her diaper. We also get asked if she was born in August, even after we tell them how old she is. This was especially funny when she was 5, 6, 7 months old. People would get puzzled looks. I could see the wheels turning in their mind, trying to do the math. Here is the meaning of her first and middle name.

August means: majestic dignity, or venerable. It is of German origin.
Monroe means: from the red swamp, or from the river's mouth. It is of Gaelic and Scottish origin.

Erin: an ancient, poetic name for Ireland
Shae: courteous

Travis: crossing, crossroads, toll gate
Joshua: generous

What is the meaning of your name?

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