Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Sara Update

This is an e-mail from Sara Benton to the family...

For the third time, I had to have a retest on white blood cells. Whatever item they were looking for had improved from the Friday's bloodwork. I'm happy to tell you the cancer marker has dropped from last reading of 254 to 160. The normal range is below the low 30's so I am curious to see what God will be doing in the future. But I have been reminded to take one day at a time. God has been good to also increase the platelets' numbers. The white blood cells did increase but under normal range, depending on what scale you use. Seeing this pattern, the doctor has opted to have my pre-chemo bloodwork done the day before the next chemo. Bless his heart for cutting out an extra cost, hopefully. Dr. Saba, my medical oncologist, also commented that my right lung sounded better. Can't wait to see Dr. Gomendoza, the lung specialist, next week to see how The Holy Spirit has been healing the lung situation. Thus, I proceeded to the infusion room for chemo 5.
For some reason I received a double dose of Benadryl. Time goes quickly when you sleep a couple of hours. Even some of my fellow cancer patients commented about my "nap". One was my Newton neighbor, Don Andrews, who assured me I didn't snore.
Thank you again and again for your prayers. And as you have prayed for me, I know that Christ is blessing you in whatever you need. May His Spirit give you a happy Easter holiday.


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