Thursday, November 26, 2009

Happy Shpanks-gibing!

At least that's how it's said at my house! August just loved making these Oreo turkeys. I asked her if she wanted to make turkeys. She was so excited at first and had no idea what she was actually going to be doing. I put the icing on the Oreo and she put on the Kisses and candy corn. I put on the eyes. If you look at the last picture, you can tell which ones I made and which ones she made. She was kind of upset when we were done. I guess we'll have to make more tomorrow when these are gone!

Things that I am thankful for: (in no particular order)
1. August and baby number 2
2. Travis
3. Almost being done with school (although sad I have to go back to work)
4. My family
5. When the students manage to keep all gates closed and the cows don't get loose and run across Lincoln Avenue!
6. Chocolate and all things sweet
7. Memorable experiences (like the ones below)
8. The fact that I think I am almost done Christmas shopping (although I am sure I am missing someone!)
9. Playhouse Disney
10. My friends

1 comment:

A said...

AWW!! These are super cute! I can't wait to see you guys!!