Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Lenten Season - The Results

Who knew that when Lent began and I chose this as my project, I would be put the the ultimate test.  Seems God had big plans for me and my family.  He's funny like that.  You have heard the phrase: if you want to make God laugh, tell Him your plans.  Well, I did.  And I'm sure he laughed and said, "girl, you have no idea what's coming!"

A little recap of the last month.  My last post was on February 22.  I then was offered a job in Olney.  The kiddos and I moved on February 29.  I started my new job on March 1.  (Long story short, Travis needs to stay in Urbana for a few more months to tie up his grad school and job.)

The kids and I have been living away from my husband for a little over a month now.  This is probably the hardest thing I have done.  I was scared (read: terrified) at first how this was all going to work out.  We would be living with my parents.  Travis living alone in our house in Urbana.  Due to scheduling conflicts, we have only seen him twice since then.  We talk every day.  I am so thankful for Skype and video calling.  The kids and I can at least see his face sometimes.

I am happy to report that I would call my Lenten project a success.  I decided that I would work on my relationships and I have.  Even my relationships with friends and family have been put to the test.  We have been away for six years.  It's strange and pretty awesome to be back.  We can't wait for Travis to come back with us!

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