Thursday, March 18, 2010

My Father's Daughter

Apparently the word "no" means nothing to August. You can say it nicely, yell it, physically pull her away from something and explain it to her. Still, "don't touch that" and "don't do that" mean nothing.

There comes a time in your adult life when you realize that you do exactly the same things that your parents used to do. For me, I had one of those moments last night.

August reached for something on the table next to me. I told her no. She continued to reach for it and I thunked her on the head, just like my dad used to do to me. Yep, I put my middle finger on my thumb and released it on the top of her head. I'm turning into my parents. But I can say that's a good thing.

Oh, and I swear there are pictures of Gentry coming very soon!

And Happy Birthday, Amy!!!!

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