Monday, June 22, 2009

Misadventures of a Farm Wife

It never fails. Every time we go out something stupid happens at the farm. I won't go into detail about some of the previous incidents (because they are quite disgusting and could possibly be considered x-rated). Saturday night was no exception. We went to Radmakers, a bar in Tolono, to see two bands play. The first, White Trash Rodeo (click the link to see their MySpace page, we know the guy on the far right), the second Feudin Hillbillies. Travis gets a call. One of the workers got a tractor stuck in a manure pile. Seriously! We finally get a night out with friends and this happens. We take our time leaving, the tractor can wait...just not until morning.

We change at the house. The first thing I see to put on is a white tee shirt and shorts. I run down stairs, put on my socks and rubber boots. I race to the truck and we drive out to where the tractor was stuck. It was seriously in halfway up the back tires. Travis walks out to see if he can unstick it in 4-wheel drive. No luck. He gets out and gets stuck. Stupid me thinks I am going to rescue him. He told me not to walk out. Hmmm. Maybe should have listened. I fall in up to the bottom of my shorts in liquid manure. My boots are full. I stink.

Needless to say, we pulled the one tractor out with another. All I can think is how this is going to be a really great story someday...I'm sure there will be more.

These are pictures I took last night. Travis yelled when I started taking the pictures of the cows because they were trying to put them away. Me and my camera were oblivious to what was going on. I saw great shots that had to be captured! The second is from earlier in the night. We went fishing at this lake in Champaign. One would think that fishing at a lake would be peaceful and relaxing. Not this one. Being in the center of town, there were some people who decided to share the music pumping from their minivan with everyone at the lake. Some rap song about things I shouldn't mention. However, the picture here shows the serenity of the sport.

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