Sunday, January 17, 2010

Chicken Tape

I may or may not have thrown August's baby doll down the stairs this morning instead of letting her climb the stairs to get it herself. This may or may not have caused the baby doll's head to break off its shoulders. Derek and Michelle are here this weekend. August took it to Derek to fix. Derek yells up the stairs, "Did the baby's head always sit sideways?" No, I don't think so. Then she brought it upstairs to me to fix becuase Derek didn't know how. (Aug said he didn't know how.) I laughed so hard I cried. The baby's head was only attached by a wire. Sorry August, the baby doll is not fixable. I return upstairs to finish my hair. August comes over to the bottom of the stair case and yells, "Do we have any chicken tape?" That's the funny thing about uncles. They can't fix things like mommies and they make your kids say the funniest things.

The reason this is funny is becuase when Derek was younger he asked Mom, "Do we have any egg, chicken, DUCK TAPE!?!" It has been kind of a running joke in the family.

1 comment:

A said...

Oh you guys crack me up! I can't wait to see you guys again! That little peanut inside you ought to be coming out soon! I can't wait!